# Shocking foods that burn belly fat
# 2 so-called "health" foods that you should NEVER eat (they can actually increase stomach fat)
# Motivation secrets for lifelong fitness success
# 1 unique "trick" to reduce junk-food cravings
# Weird workouts that burn abdominal fat faster than typical "cardio"
# The TRUTH about getting flat abs without bogus "fat burner" pills
Men Click Here for your Free presentation with important tips to start losing your belly fat and carving out ripped six pack abs. | |
Women Click Here for your Free presentation showing a unique method for losing your stubborn tummy fat and getting a tight sexy stomach. If you want to read more about this program read below: |
The Truth About Six Pack Abs Main Program
Truth About Abs Review
So you have heard of the program called truth about abs by Mike Geary and you are wondering whether it is the real deal or whether it is just another scam out to take your money and give you nothing in return.
Are You Tired of Doing Hours of Sit Ups With No Improvement?
Well, let me get straight to the point. I have read Truth about Abs and one thing I can assure you of is that it is no scam. Mike is truly an expert in this area, he isn't just someone who has thrown together a bunch of information that other people have written and presented it as his own program.
In fact, he has done quite the opposite. What you will find is that he actually says a lot of things that are probably contrary to what you have heard before. That goes for how to exercise to get those ripped abs, how to eat and a bunch of other things as well.
Abs Workouts Are Sometimes The Worse Thing You can Do
Throughout the book Mike emphasizes the importance of working out; however, where he differs from what you have probably heard and read before is that he doesn't go on about how you need to just buckle down and do hours up on hours of sit ups or cardio work.
What Mike does in the Truth About Abs is that he explains what is really important to see fast results. It might surprise you to know that it isn't an hour a day of cardio or 500 sit ups a day.
What Mike explains in detail, in the truth about abs, is that the reason that most people get to a certain stage and then Plateau and never reach the stage where they have ripped or toned abs is because their abs on there, but they are caught up under a mass of fat and sit ups alone just will not get rid of it.
What You Need in Order to Have Ripped Abs
If you want to get ripped abs then what you need to do when you go to the Gym is to cut down the amount of time you spend doing sit ups or abs focused exercise and instead focus on whole body exercises. Exercises that will get your metabolism working faster and that will burn that fat off in no time.
Mike explains exactly which exercises you should be doing and he shows them specifically with pictures and explains the right way and the wrong way to do them, so that there is no confusion. On top of that he makes it clear that you do not have to even join a gym and he gives you exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home that will work wonders for you and give you better results than most people get that go to the gym 3-4 times a week.
The Right Food
You can do all the exercises you like and you can even be doing the correct exercises, but you if are still eating junk food then it is unlikely that you are going to see the results you want to.
In the Truth about Abs you get and extensive and in depth explanation of food and diet and the right ratios of what to eat and when, to achieve optimum results. You will also get a detailed meal plan that you can follow everyday so that you don't have to worry about what to eat, it's all laid out for you.
Basically, this is the most in depth plan I have ever come across for getting losing belly fat and and becoming toned and healthy.
On top of that Mike is so confident that you will love the program that he gives a 60 day money back guarantee. This is a must have product for anyone like me who has had problems shifting that last bit of fat to reveal that ripped stomach, or who has just always had problems getting fit. In fact it is a must have program for anyone who wants to look lean, feel good and be healthier.
Things That Could be Improved
Okay, even though I loved this program and it has helped me enormously I felt there was one thing lacking that would take this to the next level. What was it? I felt that there should be a video series to go along with it where you can actually see Mike (or someone else, not bothered who really) performing the exercises so that you can make sure that you have the techniques etc, exactly right.
The truth is that this is a small issue because Mike has tonnes of pictures and lots of detailed explanations on how to do the exercises. It's clear that he has done is very best to make it as clear as possible. And for the most part it is; however, if you are a visual person and in this World of Videos and YouTube, I felt that a video series to go along with the excellent instructions and picture illustrations, would just take it from being a great program to being an outstanding program.
Anyway, those my thoughts, I could go into more detail, but I don't want to bore you to death. You can check out the program for yourself below, to see exactly what I mean.
Click Here Now to learn more about the Truth About Abs program and the 60 money back guarantee.
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